Alex & Laina's Mount Everest Base Camp Proposal Story

Alex & Laina's Mount Everest Base Camp Proposal Story

Could this be the most incredible proposal location ever!? We definitely think so.. Alex proposed to Laina on Mount Everest, at the Base Camp landmark no less! Not for the faint hearted, the treck to Everest Base Camp takes two weeks and reaches 5,3640m high, putting the body through the gruelling experience of extremely high altitude. The euphoric feeling and sense of achievement of making it to the camp must be incredible, and can only have been made better by a suprise proposal! Alex proposed with one of all time favourite designs, the Aesa ring. We caught up with Alex to find out more about how it all went..

Mount Everest Base camp proposal

Alex, How did you meet Laina?

Despite the old adage “don’t dip your pen in the company ink”, we met at work. After a year of working together (and a drunken kiss on a night out) I plucked up the courage to ask Laina on a date. I took her to winter wonderland and as they say the rest is history. Even through a year of Laina being stuck in the USA where she was working during COVID, we are still together 6 years later.

When did you know you wanted to propose?

At the beginning of 2022 we decided to take 6 months out of work to travel the world and I knew this was when I wanted to propose. Both of us love travelling and I knew she would always want to be proposed to somewhere really special.
What made you choose Ethica Diamonds and how did you find us?
I would love to say I did all the research on my own, however it was actually Laina who first saw Ethica on her newsfeed on social media. She didn’t know I was looking for a ring, and I did look at other companies but after reading about Ethica Diamonds’ story as a family business and in particular their approach to ethical jewellery I knew I wanted to go with them. Also being from the South West myself helped make my decision.

What made you choose the Aesa Ring and how did you find buying the process?

When it came to the buying process, I had very little idea of what I wanted. I roughly knew what I thought Laina liked but I didn’t know what that meant in terms of style or diamond. Lucky for me Olivia and Claire were fantastic, gently leading me through the process, giving me lots of options but also really listening to what I was saying and taking it on board when helping me to make one of the biggest decisions of my life.

How did you plan the proposal and how did it go - what made you choose to propose on Mount Everest!?

Both of us love hiking, last year we hiked Ben Nevis, Snowdon and Scarfell Pike, so it was a natural decision to pick somewhere out in the wild. As we were travelling the world there were plenty of opportunities that would have been incredible but I knew the top of the world was the place to do it. On the day of getting to Everest base camp we had to start hiking at 4am and the temperature was -14 degrees Celsius. We hiked for several hours before getting to base camp so we didn’t look our freshest but lucky for me she said yes and even better she loved the ring AND I got the sizing right!

Have you got any plans for the wedding?

We have a few ideas for the wedding but at the moment we are just enjoying being engaged and being congratulated by all our friends and family. However we have got an engagement party booked for the summer because we love any excuse for a party.

With the proposal being this epic we can only imagine how incredible Alex and Laina's wedding is going to be, and their life together full of fun, love and adventure! We are so thrilled we could be a part of this couples journey, and wish them a HUGE congratulations.

With Love,
The Ethica Team

Engagement Ring Buying Guide
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